Hong Kong

map of hong kong from wikimedia commons


The semi-autonomous region of Hong Kong is the most frequently-visited city in the world. Located on a southern peninsula in China and surrounded by over 200 islands, Hong Kong is a major financial center and tourist destination.

Basic Facts

Population: 7.2 million

Languages: Cantonese, English

Climate: Generally warm to hot, with temperatures ranging from lows of 15° C (48° F) in January to highs of 31° C (89° F) in July.

Currency: Hong Kong Dollar

Airport: Hong Kong International Airport

Things to Do

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Hong Kong Museum of History: This museum chronicles Hong Kong’s history and culture dating from prehistoric times to the reunification with China.

100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

Metro station: Hung Hom
Hong Kong (2017) - 1,314


Hong Kong Science Museum: The Hong Kong Science Museum is popular with children as it offers a wide variety of interactive exhibits on numerous areas of science.

Metro Station: Hung Hom

2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

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